What is the structure of the UK planning system?

The UK planning system is divided into several levels, with different roles and responsibilities at each level. Here is a summary of the main components of the UK planning system:

Level Body Role
National Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) Sets national policy and guidance for the planning system, monitors and reviews the performance of the system, and intervenes in specific cases as necessary
Regional Regional Spatial Strategies (RSS) Used to set regional policies and priorities for development and land use, and provide a framework for the preparation of local plans
Local Local Planning Authorities (LPAs) Prepare and maintain Local Development Frameworks (LDFs) which include Local Plans and supplementary planning documents, make decisions on planning applications, and enforce planning regulations

The above table is a simplified version of the UK planning system and it may vary a bit depending on the region or country you’re looking at. The planning systems in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland also have their own specific laws, regulations and procedures.


In England, the planning system is divided into several levels, with different roles and responsibilities at each level. Here is a more detailed summary of the main components of the planning system in England:

Level Body Role
National Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) Sets national policy and guidance for the planning system through the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and other guidance documents, monitors and reviews the performance of the system, and intervenes in specific cases as necessary
Regional Regional Spatial Strategies (RSS) (abolished in 2010) Set regional policies and priorities for development and land use, and provide a framework for the preparation of local plans
Sub-Regional Joint Strategic Planning Committees (JSPC) (abolished in 2010) Coordinates planning across multiple local authorities and provides a strategic planning function for their area
Local Local Planning Authorities (LPAs) Prepare and maintain Local Development Frameworks (LDFs) which include Local Plans and supplementary planning documents, make decisions on planning applications, and enforce planning regulations

It’s worth noting that the above structure doesn’t include the role of the government’s planning inspectorate, which is responsible for examining and determining planning appeals and certain other types of planning applications. It also doesn’t take into account the recent proposed changes to the planning system by the UK Government aiming to simplify the system and speed up the process.


A high-level structure for Scotland’s planning system in is described below:

Level Body Role
National Scottish Government Sets national policy and guidance for the planning system through the Scottish Planning Policy (SPP) and other guidance documents, monitors and reviews the performance of the system, and intervenes in specific cases as necessary
Regional Strategic Development Planning Authorities (SDPA) Coordinates planning across multiple local authorities and provides a strategic planning function for their area
Local Local Planning Authorities (LPA) Prepare and maintain Local Development Plans (LDPs) which include Local Plans and supplementary planning documents, make decisions on planning applications, and enforce planning regulations


A high-level structure for Wales’ planning system in is described below:

Level Body Role
National Welsh Government Sets national policy and guidance for the planning system through the Welsh Planning Policy (WPP) and other guidance documents, monitors and reviews the performance of the system, and intervenes in specific cases as necessary
Regional National Park Authorities, National Resources Wales Coordinates planning across multiple local authorities and provides a strategic planning function for their area
Local Local Planning Authorities (LPA) Prepare and maintain Local Development Plans (LDPs) which include Local Plans and supplementary planning documents, make decisions on planning applications, and enforce planning regulations

Northern Ireland

A high-level structure for Northern Ireland’s planning system in is described below:

Level Body Role
National Department for Communities Sets national policy and guidance for the planning system through the Planning Policy Statement and other guidance documents, monitors and reviews the performance of the system, and intervenes in specific cases as necessary
Regional Planning Service Coordinates planning across multiple local authorities and provides a strategic planning function for their area
Local Local Councils Prepare and maintain Development Plans which include Local Plans and supplementary planning documents, make decisions on planning applications, and enforce planning regulations

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