Progress Tests

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Do you think you are ready to take your Pathway to Chartership exam? Test your knowledge so far with the tests provided below.

You can take tests targeted in specific sections of the Syllabus or if you feel that you can take the challenge go for the complete compilations.

There are 20 questions in every test, without a time restriction for its completion. It shouldn’t really take you more than 5′-10′ to complete each test.

Instant display of the right answer is provided once the test is completed, with a summary of your overall score at the end.

Good luck!

Section 1
Test No Description
section-1-professional-ethics-test-1-thumb Royal Charter and the Code of Conduct. Some questions on ethical scenarios are also included. Start test
Section 2
Test No Description
section-2-law-test-1-thumb All-arounder, including questions on Quality Assurance, professional liabilities, the Code of Conduct, the HSE, practice management and Law. Start test
Section 3
Test No Description
section-3-planning-test-1-thumb All-arounder, with mixed content questions. Start test
section-3-planning-test-2-thumb Planning applications and relative matters to applications and outcomes. Start test
section-3-planning-test-3-thumb Everything you need to know around Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs), Start test
section-3-planning-test-4-thumb The focus of this test is on EIA and LVIA. Start test
Section 4
Test No Description
construction test 1 thumb Questions include contracts and relevant documents, duties of key roles under CDM 2015, scenarios during construction and Practical Completion. Start test
construction test 2 thumb A construction-based test with questions on key stages and scenarios during the construction phase. Start test
construction test 3 thumb Challenge your CDM Regulations 2015 knowledge with this test. Start test
Test No Description
test thumbnail It’s a compilation, so expect to jump from one section to the other! Start test
test thumbnail Another all-arounder that will simulate a quick bounce from one section to the other, quite similar to the exams. Start test


These tests are not endorsed by the Landscape Institute and should only be used as a rough guide of your progress. By no means they are a true measure of your overall ability to take the exam! This is something that is monitored by your Mentor and Supervisor, through the official Pathway to Charteship Quarterly submissions.