Depending on the complexity of the project, you would need to obtain information about various aspects of the projects with associated costs and time implications:
- Appointment – which form will you be using to enable your services with the Client? Is he/she aware of this form and comfortable to sign?
- Planning matters – does the project need planning permission? What type? Permitted development?
- Designations; are there any on site?
- Is an LVIA/EIA required = planning decision response times different if one is required.
- Legal – are there any TPOs on site? Any other designations?
- Surveys (ecological, topographical, trees). Are there any protected species? Do we need mitigation measures and specialists to be appointed to work with habitats found on site?
- Are there any invasive species on site?
- Any other major constraints (gas pipes, HV overhead cables)? Any easements, wayleaves or covenants posing restrictions?
- Tendering process – which one is the most suitable one for this project?
- Construction Contract – which one is the most suitable one for this project?