What is a Public Right of Way (PROW)?

A Public Right Of Way (PROW) is a way, which the public have a right to pass and re-pass providing that the public stay on the route and do not cause a nuisance or obstruction. The purpose of Public Rights Of Way is to protect the rights of the public to use these accesses and also to prevent their obstruction.

You can walk on all public rights of way. Some public rights of way are also open to horse riders, cyclists or motorists.

You can use:

  • footpaths – for walking, running, mobility scooters or powered wheelchairs
  • bridleways – for walking, horse riding, bicycles, mobility scooters or powered wheelchairs
  • restricted byways – for any transport without a motor and mobility scooters or powered wheelchairs
  • byways open to all traffic – for any kind of transport, including cars (but they’re mainly used by walkers, cyclists and horse riders)

The Local Planning Authority is responsible about adding, changing or removing a public right of way temporarily or permanently.

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