What is a Local Nature Reserve (LNR)?

A Local Nature Reserve (LNR) is a designation for nature reserves in Great Britain. It is a statutory designation made under Section 21 – “Establishment of nature reserves by local authorities” – of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949 by Principal Local Authorities (District, Borough or Unitary Councils) in England, Scotland and Wales. Parish and town councils in England have no direct power to designate nature reserves, but they can have the powers to do so delegated to them by their Principal Local Authority using section 101 of the Local Government Act 1972.

They are places with wildlife or geological features that are of special interest locally. They offer people opportunities to study or learn about nature or simply to enjoy it. They range from windswept coastal headlands, ancient woodlands and flower-rich meadows to former inner city railways, long abandoned landfill sites and industrial areas now re-colonised by wildlife. They are an impressive natural resource which makes an important contribution to England’s biodiversity.

Local Nature Reserves are of local, but not necessarily national, importance. LNRs are almost always owned by Local Planning Authorities, who often pass the management of the Local Nature Reserve onto county Wildlife Trusts or other local environmental bodies. LNRs also often have good public access and facilities. An LNR can also be an SSSI, but often is not, or may have other designations (although a Local Nature Reserve cannot also be a National Nature Reserve). Except where the site is an SSSI, there is no legal necessity to manage an LNR to any set standard, but management agreements often exist.

A Local Nature Reserve may be given protection against damaging operations. It also has certain protection against development on and around it. This protection is usually given via the Local Plan, (produced by the Local Planning Authority), and often supplemented by local by-laws. However, there is no national legal protection specifically for LNRs.

There are now over 1,280 LNRs in England, covering almost 40,000 hectares, which range from windswept coastal headlands and ancient woodlands to former inner city railways and long abandoned landfill sites.

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